Philippe Froehlicher

Senior Investment and Wealth Manager

Prior to co-founding FGP Capital in 2009, Philippe Froehlicher ran discretionary global mandates for HNWI at Pictet & Cie, managing the Integer Ethical Portfolio and Fund, and leading the US equity team. He joined Pictet in 1998 as Assistant to the CIO, and soon specialized in global equity research. In 2002, he was in charge of re-engineering the equity investment process for the entire Private Banking Research Department.

Philippe Froehlicher is a Certified Financial Analyst (SFAA), Switzerland, and a member of the Swiss Financial Analysts Association. He holds a Master in Business Administration & Economics from the University of Geneva, where he specialized in finance and corporate strategy with Prof. Klaus Schwab (the founder of the World Economic Forum), Prof. Carlos Jarillo and Prof. André Bender. He also studied strategy with Prof. Michael Porter from Harvard. Fields of competence: competitive strategy.